Diana Purvis

We had two children pass through the doors of Kids’ Domain and felt, and still feel, very much a part of the Kids’ Domain family.  We were very impressed by the professionalism and love the teachers showed towards their jobs and towards our children.  The children were encouraged to learn through exploration and play, and they grew to be confident, curious, happy and ready for school.  We could not recommend it any more highly as a wonderful preschool environment.

Dr Sonja Bastin

Thank you to all the lovely staff at Kid’s Domain. We had 9 wonderful years of being a part of your family with all three of our children making their way through your doors. The teachers are outstanding. The support and admin staff fantastic. Nothing was too hard or too difficult. The children were taught, supported and grew up in an nurturing environment. All three of the children remember their time with you with fondness and love, as do Mark and myself.

Emma and Martin Wackrow

We have been a part of the Kids’ Domain whanau for 7 years, and cannot recommend it highly enough. It gives us such peace of mind as parents that our children will come home each day having had their minds, bodies and souls nourished and nurtured. The KD staff are supportive and attentive to not only each individual child, but their parents as well, and no request or change in routine ever seems a bother. The physical environment, open-ended resources, and its proximity to Auckland Domain means every day is a new adventure, and we love hearing our children’s stories at the end of each day.

Emma Gilbert

Kids' Domain feels like an extension of my own family.  With utmost care and respect they gently support my children to grow, explore, learn, and connect with their peers, their environment, and with themselves.  The teachers understand so well the intricacies of each child, encouraging them to build resilience and curiosity of the world around them.  The philosophy of Kids' Domain sits so comfortably with me, and I’m forever thankful I chose Kids Domain for my children. 

Jason Mareroa

“Ko te taonga o taku ngākau,

Ko taku mokopuna e”

Both traditionally, culturally and relative to our whānau system and beliefs; the sanctity and divinity of our children are the greatest human gifts afforded to us, whether we are parents or part of their villages. As parents, our temporary responsibility in nurturing and protecting our children is always to scrutinise who we allow to be part of the village that helps cultivate our children. As parents we take this seriously! We deeply appreciate how you all carefully and caringly participated in, and enriched, our village. We are forever indebted to Kids’ Domain, especially Kererū, for the attention and love provided to our child and whānau.

Stella Brennan

Kids’ Domain is has been great place for our two boys – loving, friendly, flexible and creative.  The skilled teachers have followed through on their interests to extend their learning through conversation, co-operation and play. It’s often a challenge to get them to leave at the end of the day.

Fiona, David, Caleb, Jake and Sebbe

It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye.  You have all one way or another taken great care of our three boys during their time at Kids’ Domain.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you have done for us, for welcoming us and for helping all three children settle in so well. 

Meitaki maata ua atu ei  “Thank you very much indeed.”

We will miss you all  Aroha nui


Jenine, Kerri, Wendy and Sharon – Teachers USA and Canada with Margie Carter Study Tour through Inspire Education – March 2017

Dear Kids’ Domain Educators

Thank you for welcoming us into your teaching and learning space.  We are so grateful for the opportunity to engage in wonder and discovery ourselves as we process all of the unique perspectives, thoughtful documentation and lovingly crafted environments. 

It was so clear that you believe in children as trustworthy and competent citizens, and we felt that in our time at your centre.  The materials in your space also reflected this trust, as well as the collaboration between the centre and community members.   

It was so wonderful to see how your staff respected each other, honoured each other’s voices and written words, and participated in learning together appreciating the insights of one another.  We noticed that teachers were able to express themselves as individuals as well as collectively in documentation and in your presentation.  Teachers moved so smoothly between these lenses, again showing us your professionalism and regard for each other. 

As a group we also were moved by the incredible connection to the natural world through the classroom and the focus on building children’s ecological identities. 

Liz Stallworthy and Matthew Clarke, parents of George, Tilly and Henry  

The Kids' Domain teachers are warm, welcoming, passionate and highly qualified. They engage in ongoing critical appraisal of their teaching practice and are constantly looking for ways to help children explore what interests them and discover new knowledge. Our children were not just marking time while we were at work, they were supported to develop the confidence, skills and understanding that have stood them in good stead at school.