Good governance is the structural backbone that has enabled Kids’ Domain to create a sustainable bespoke organisation with vision and aspirations to excel.  Our governance group consists of members elected from the parent community.  This dedicated group of volunteers devote their time to meet with the centre director and leaders from 12.30-1.30 pm the last Wednesday of every second month (January through November) around policy, strategy, finance and resourcing. Currently we have the following  people working as the governance group:

Bridgette Towle – Centre Director

Shivani Fox-Lewis  – Chair

Rhys Johnston – Treasurer

Emma Wackrow – Secretary

Medha Rao - Member

Nicola Griffin - Member

Lucy Ferrick - Member

Charlotte York - Member

Nick Mignacca - Member

Holly Del La Varis - Member



Rules of Auckland Hospital Preschool Society Incorporated 

Auckland Hospital Preschool AGM 2024 Documents